Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 3: Progress

I'm starting with a complete Pavilion so I can explore it and figure out what I want to do with the building. I find it easier to explore a 3D model in order to visualise where decay and neglect would most manifest. I'm also trying to figure out good positions for the "money shots" that we have to submit. I like diagonal perspectives which are also helpful for including more content in view however the direct views down walkways are also aesthetically pleasing. I think a lot of the perspective represented should be from eye level for the audience to fully experience the scene.

In researching decay, I found reference images of interest:

An abandoned shopping centre in Ohio- you can see the debris concentrated areas where glass has broken or building materials have fallen apart. I like this representation of abandonment and I think I don't want to specifically focus on a natural disaster type of decay that is too busy with broken objects.

Abandoned houses on an island in the United States- again, I like the empty simplistic nature of this type of abandonment and I want to translate this into the decay I am representing.

Abandoned rink in Brisbane- even though the material is no longer there, the structure for the roof of this building still remains and I expect that to occur for the Barcelona Pavilion as well. The marble material may decay and break off in certain places however the steel structure within will remain intact though external influences such as weathering or physical damage may alter it from its original form.

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