Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 3: Sketches

Do 3 sketches of your chosen house, of how their structural systems might fail over time without maintenance.

There are lots of images of abandoned pools filled with chairs, I don't know why people do this though some looks strangely artistic, I assume it might be to do Because pools are usually such large areas and since they're no longer filled with water, people might try to put all the discarded furniture together in the one place....??
The Barcelona Pavilion has two shallow pond-like areas so it might be interesting to document human existence through this kind of neglect.

Broken glass is quite common in abandoned buildings, this particular house has missing panes however because the glass material in the Barcelona Pavilion are quite large in size, it's more likely that they would have gaps as opposed to the entire pane be missing.

I expect nature to gradually take over the building, however the stage of decay I want to present translates a more empty, lonely atmosphere with maybe some water milling around that washes away light debris, but predominantly is a focus on the remaining man-made material. Excessive vegetation would be too wild and active as well as less likely considering the marble material as opposed to stone or wood.
The roof the Pavilion is going to decay in certain places around the edges where the support of the cruciform columns won't extend to and the ceiling itself will develop some moss.

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